Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractAction Package for all plugin actions.  

Uses of AbstractAction in

Subclasses of AbstractAction in
 class AbstractBackgroundAction
          Abstract base class for all actions which must provide a busy indicator during there run operation.
 class AbstractBusyAction
          Abstract base class for all actions which must provide a busy indicator during there run operation.
 class CopyToClipboardAction
          Action for copy the selected context to the clipboard.
 class DiscardServerAction
          Action for removing server objects from the Tomcat Manager tree view.
 class EditServerAction
          Action for editing server information.
 class NewServerAction
          Action for creating a new server.
 class RefreshAction
          Action for updating all existing server instances.
 class ReloadContextAction
          Action for reloading a context on a server.
 class StartContextAction
          Action for starting a context on a server.
 class StopContextAction
          Action for stopping a context.

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